Jeremias Adams-Prassl | Faculty of Law (2025)

Adams-Prassl J and others, ‘Towards an International Standard for Regulating Algorithmic Management: A Blueprint’

Adams-Prassl J and others, ‘Regulating algorithmic management: A blueprint’ (2023) 14(2) European Labour Law Journal 124

Abraha H, ADAMS-PRASSL J and KELLY-LYTH A, ‘From ‘Code’ to ‘Guidance’: Revising the Instrument on Data and Employment’ [2022] Industrial Law Journal

KELLY-LYTH A, BINNS R and ADAMS-PRASSL J, ‘Directly Discriminatory Algorithms’ [2022] The Modern Law Review

ADAMS-PRASSL J, ‘Regulating Algorithms at Work: Lessons for a ‘European Approach to Artificial Intelligence’ [2022] European Labour Law Journal

Adams-Prassl J and Bogojević S, ‘Great Debates in EU Law: From Rome with Love’

Adams Z, ADAMS-PRASSL A and ADAMS-PRASSL J, ‘Online Tribunal Judgments and The Limits of Open Justice’ [2021] Legal Studies

Ebert I, Wildhaber I and ADAMS-PRASSL J, ‘Big Data in the Workplace: Privacy Due Diligence as a human rights-based approach to employee privacy protection’ [2021] Big Data and Society

Coyle D, Adams-Prassl J and Adams-Prassl A, ‘Uber & Beyond: Policy Implications for the UK’

Adams-Prassl J, ‘Article 47 CFR and the effective enforcement of EU labour law: Teeth for paper tigers?’ (2020) 11(4) European Labour Law Journal 391

Bobek M and Adams-Prassl J, ‘The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in the Member States: Conclusion’

Adams-Prassl J and Bobek M, ‘The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in the Member States: Introduction & Overview’

ADAMS-PRASSL J and ADAMS-PRASSL A, ‘Systemic Unfairness, Access to Justice, and Futility: A Framework’ [2020] Oxford Journal of Legal Studies

Prassl J, ‘What if your boss was an algorithm? Economic Incentives, Legal Challenges, and the Rise of Artificial Intelligence at Work’ [2019] Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal

Adams-Prassl J, ‘<i>What if Your Boss Was an Algorithm?</i> The Rise of Artificial Intelligence at Work’

Prassl J and Risak M, ‘Legal responsibility in the gig economy: the employer perspective’ (2019) 144 Revista Del Ministerio De Empleo Y Seguridad Social 31

Adams A, Freedman J and Prassl J, ‘Rethinking Legal Taxonomies for the Gig Economy’ [2018] Oxford Review of Economic Policy

Adams A, Freedman J and Prassl J, ‘Rethinking Legal Taxonomies for the Gig Economy: Tax Law, Employment Law, and Economic Incentives’

Prassl J, ‘Humans as a Service (Introduction)’

Lamine A and Adams-Prassl J, ‘Collective Autonomy for On-Demand Workers? Normative Arguments, Current Practices and Legal Ways Forward’ (2018) 99 Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations 269

Adams A and Prassl J, ‘Employment Tribunal Fees, Access to Justice, & Rational Choice Theory: A Primer’ [2017] (50) Oxford Legal Studies Research Paper


Prassl J, ‘Pimlico Plumbers, Uber Drivers, Cycle Couriers, and Court Translators: Who is a Worker?’

Freedland M and Prassl J, ‘Employees, workers and the ‘sharing economy’ Changing practices and changing concepts in The United Kingdom’ (2017) 6(1-2) Spanish Labour Law and Employment Relations Journal 16

Adams-Prassl J, ‘Reconsidering the Notion of Employer in the Era of the Fissured Workplace in the UK: Should Labour Law Responsibilities Exceed the Boundaries of the Legal Entity?’ (2017) 95 Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations 81

Adams-Prassl J, ‘영국의 군중 노동자의 사회 ê²½ìœì 상황과 ë²•ì ì§€ìœ„ (The Socioeconomic Situation and Legal Status of Crowdworkers in the UK)’ [2016] êµ­ìœ ë…¸ë™ 개요 (International Labor Brief) 19

Adams-Prassl J, ‘Future Directions in EU Labour Law (Guest Editorial)’ (2016) 7 European Labour Law Journal 323

Prassl J, ‘Future Directions in EU Labour Law’ (2016) 7(3) European Labour Law Journal 323


Adams-Prassl J, ‘Migrants, citizens, aliens? Free movement rights for the economically inactive after Brey and Dano’ (2016) 16 Rivista Del Diritto Della Sicurezza Sociale 311

Prassl J, ‘The European Convention on Human Rights and the Employment Relation’ (2016) 41(2) EUROPEAN LAW REVIEW 301

Prassl J and Bobek M, ‘Welcome Aboard: Revisiting Regulation 261/2004’ 1

Bobek M and Prassl J, ‘Preface’ [2016] Air Passenger Rights: Ten Years On v

Albin E and Prassl J, ‘Fragmenting Work, Fragmented Regulation: The Contract of Employment as a Driver of Social Exclusion’

Prassl J, ‘Business freedoms and employment rights in the European Union’ (2015) 17(01) Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies 189

Jones B and Prassl J, ‘Verpflichtende Außergerichtliche Vermittlungsverfahren im Englischen Arbeitsrecht: ein erster Erfahrungsbericht’ (2015) 18(2) Zeitschrift für Konfliktmanagement 36

Adams A, Freedland M and Adams-Prassl J, ‘The Zero-Hours Contract: Regulating Casual Work, or Legitimating Precarity?’ (2015) 147 Giornale Di Diritto Del Lavoro E Di Relazioni Industriali 529

Prassl J, ‘Liberalisation, Information, and Transparency: Three Tales of Consumer Protection in EU Aviation Law’ (2015) 11(3) European Review of Contract Law 281

Adams-Prassl J, ‘Les seuils sociaux en Europe: Royaume-Uni’ [2015] (3) Revue De Droit Du Travail 215

Bogg A and others, ‘INTRODUCTION: EXPLORING AUTONOMY’ [2015] The Autonomy of Labour Law 1

Bogg A and others, ‘EDITORS’ PREFACE’ [2015] The Autonomy of Labour Law v

Prassl J, ‘Private Equity at Work: When Wall Street Manages Main Street’ (2015) 44(1) INDUSTRIAL LAW JOURNAL 150

Prassl J, ‘Financialization, New Investment Funds, and Labour - An International Comparison’ (2015) 44(1) INDUSTRIAL LAW JOURNAL 150

Prassl J, ‘The Lisbon Treaty and Social Europe’ (2015) 52(1) COMMON MARKET LAW REVIEW 310

Freedland M and Prassl J, ‘Preface’ [2015] Viking, Laval and Beyond ix

Prassl J, ‘Members, Partners, Employees, Workers? Partnership Law and Employment Status revisited. Clyde & Co LLP v Bates van Winkelhof’ (2014) 43(4) Industrial Law Journal 495

Adams-Prassl J, ‘""Mindannyiunkat egyformán érint?"" Az Egyesült Királyság koalíciós kormányának munkaerő-piaci reformjai’ (2014) 1 Magyar Munkajog E-Folyóirat 26

Adams-Prassl J, ‘L’emploi multilatéral en droit anglais’ (2014) 4 Revue De Droit Du Travail 236

Adams-Prassl J, ‘""All in it Together?"" Labour Markets in Crisis’ (2014) 1 Hungarian Labour Law E-Journal 23

Adams-Prassl J, ‘Contingent Crises, Permanent Reforms: Rationalising Labour Market Reforms in the European Union’ (2014) 5 ELLJ 211

Adams-Prassl J, ‘Reforming Air Passenger Rights in Europe’ (2014) 39 Air & Space Law 59

Adams-Prassl J, ‘EU Aviation Law before the English Courts: Dawson, Huzar, and Regulation 261/2004’ (2014) 39 Air & Space Law 365

Prassl J, ‘Employee Shareholder ‘Status’: Dismantling the Contract of Employment’ (2013) 42(4) Industrial Law Journal 307

Prassl J, ‘Freedom of Contract as a General Principle of EU Law? Transfers of Undertakings and the Protection of Employer Rights in EU Labour Law’ (2013) 42(4) Industrial Law Journal 434

Adams-Prassl J, ‘The Notion of the Employer’ (2013) 129 LQR 380

Adams-Prassl J, ‘Third Time Lucky? The Proposed Employee-Shareholder Status’ [2013] (9) SJ 19

Adams-Prassl J, ‘Die Suche nach dem Arbeitgeber im Englischen Recht’ [2013] (4) Europäische Zeitschrift für Arbeitsrecht 472

Adams-Prassl J, ‘Implementing the New Employee-Shareholder Status’ [2013] (1) SJ 9

Adams-Prassl J, ‘Tale of (Un?)Intended Consequences: Das Vereinigte Königreich in der Krise’ (2013) 49 Gesellschaft & Politik 97

Adams-Prassl J, ‘The European Union and The Montreal Convention: A New Analytical Framework’ (2013) 12 Issues in Aviation Law and Policy 381

Adams-Prassl J, ‘Industrial Action at British Airways: A Case Study’ (2012) 11 Contemporary Issues in Law 113

Prassl J, ‘To Strike, to Serve? Industrial Action at British Airways. British Airways plc v Unite the Union (Nos 1 and 2)’ (2011) 40(1) Industrial Law Journal 82

Prassl J, ‘Interpreting Employment Protective Legislation: Gisda Cyf v Barratt’ (2011) 40(1) Industrial Law Journal 103

Adams-Prassl J and Gardner B, ‘Constitutional Resettlement and Popular Sovereignty: A Caribbean Experience’ (2009) 4 Justicia - Tijdschrift Voor Antilliaans Recht 259

Adams-Prassl J, ‘Quistclose Trusts: In Search of Coherent Answers’ (2007) 3 CSLR 51

Aidinlis S and others, ‘Lawful Grounds to Share Justice Data for Lawtech Innovation in the UK’ The Law Quarterly Review

Jeremias Adams-Prassl | Faculty of Law (2025)
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Name: Jerrold Considine

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.