Warzone | All Field Upgrades List | Call of Duty Modern Warfare - GameWith (2024)

Get to know all the Field Upgrades in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare & Warzone 2021 with this guide! Includes info on each one's recharge rate & effects, unlock requirements, and more!!!

Table Of Contents

  • What Are Field Upgrades?
  • List Of Field Upgrades
  • Recommended Field Upgrade
  • Field Upgrade Details

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What Are Field Upgrades?

Rechargeable Support Equipment

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Field Upgrades are tools and equipment that can be used during combat after a certain recharge time. You can use these to add a new dimension to your approach in the game, helping you take advantage of certain situations.

How To Unlock Field Upgrades

Leveling up your ranks in Call of Duty unlocks various field upgrades which you can use in different multiplayer modes! These include Perks, tactical and lethal equipment, weapons, and more!

Check Out Rank Reward List Here

Pick Up Ground Loot In Warzone

Field Upgrades in Warzone must be looted in the field. You cannot get them when dropping in nor can you get them from Loadout Drop.

Check out Warzone Guide here!

Select Field Upgrades In Weapons Tab

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You can select which Field Upgrade to use in matches under the weapons tab. Keep in mind that you can only choose one field upgrade, and this field upgrade is applied to all your loadouts.

Select Another Field Upgrade With Field Upgrade Pro

Warzone | All Field Upgrades List | Call of Duty Modern Warfare - GameWith (7)

Field Upgrade Pro is an unlockable feature which allows you to select a second Field Upgrade during a match. This feature is unlocked once you reach Rank 45.

Check Out Player Progression Here!

All Field Upgrades List

All Field Upgrade List

NameRecharge RateLvl RequirementDescription
Munitions BoxMedium1Deplox a box of ammo for you and your teammates. Shoot at your own risk.
Recon DroneSlow1Remote controlled drone that marks enemies.
Dead SilenceFast10Temporarily makes your footsteps quieter. Kills refresh duration.
Stopping Power RoundsSlow19Reload your gun with stopping power rounds that deal extra damage.
Trophy SystemFast27Deployable autonomous defense system that destroys up to three pieces of equipment and projectiles.
Deployable CoverFast30Portable, rapidly-deployable ballistic cover.
Tactical InsertionFast40Marks a location as your next spawn point.
EMP DroneMedium46Detonate an EMP payload at a targeted location using an RC Plane. Disables all electronics in the area.
Weapon DropMedium55Deliver a cache of high power weapons to your location.
Armor Box Get by Looting or Buy Stations
(Warzone Only)
Deploy a box of armor plates for you and your teammates. Shoot at your own risk

Recommended Field Upgrade List

Deployable Cover

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A short-cooldown deployable wall that gives an edge when locking down corridors or key points. Goes great with the Mount mechanic.

Munitions Box

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Gives you far greater flexibility in combat since you can now resupply your own and teammate's ammo, tactical and lethal equipments.

Munitions Box Guide

Weapon Drop

Warzone | All Field Upgrades List | Call of Duty Modern Warfare - GameWith (10)

Gives you better damaging weapons or additional attachments for a mid-cool down. Remember to drop it at a safe spot, as enemies will be notified of a drop and the location can be seen due to the parachutes.

Weapon Drop Guide

All About Field Upgrade

Offensive Field Upgrades

These Field Upgrades complement your offensive capabilities, giving you more ammo and more firepower to carry on the fight. Recommended for players with aggressive playstyle.

NameRecharge RateLvl RequirementDescription
Dead SilenceFast10Temporarily makes your footsteps quieter. Kills refresh duration.
Stopping Power RoundsSlow19Reload your gun with stopping power rounds that deal extra damage.
Weapon DropMedium55Deliver a cache of high power weapons to your location.

Defensive Field Upgrades

These equipment allow you to have more staying power in the field, increasing your survivability while also providing a bit of support to your teammates.

NameRecharge RateLvl RequirementDescription
Munitions BoxMedium1Deplox a box of ammo for you and your teammates. Shoot at your own risk.
Recon DroneSlow1Remote controlled drone that marks enemies.
Deployable CoverFast30Portable, rapidly-deployable ballistic cover.

Tactical Field Upgrades

Objectives win matches and these Field Upgrades can help you control the battlefield. Use them to disrupt enemy tactics and movement.

NameRecharge RateLvl RequirementDescription
Trophy SystemFast27Deployable autonomous defense system that destroys up to three pieces of equipment and projectiles.
Tactical InsertionFast40Marks a location as your next spawn point.
EMP DroneMedium46Detonate an EMP payload at a targeted location using an RC Plane. Disables all electronics in the area.

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Warzone | All Field Upgrades List | Call of Duty Modern Warfare - GameWith (2024)
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